Patch 2.0 was designed to simplify the user experience by differentiating clearly between news and user-generated content. Patch Boards was created as a place where everyone in the community could post announcements, photos, buy or sell something, and start a conversation about any topic that they cared about.
Wireframes 2.0

Visuals 2.0 (final release)
Wireframes 1.0 (alpha)
The concept of groups was conceived after a series of ethnographic studies in Patch towns exposed an opportunity to connect people around different shared interests like local sports, volunteering, events, town government, schools etc.
Anyone could create a group which was essentially a place to share news, opinions, media, events, and comments about a particular topic that people could follow – on the web, on their mobile phone, or by email.
Alpha was launched in 5 towns in Long Island, NY.

Visuals 1.0 (alpha)
Role - Ethnographic research, Information Architecture, Focus group moderation, Prototyping, Usability testing, Editor training, Creative direction